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If You Will, Then I Will
Capture the essence of each book of the Bible in ten minutes or less. “If You Will, Then I Will” is an all-embracing study through the Bible, revealing areas from Genesis to Revelation that disclose some of God’s promises that if we obey His instructions for our lives, then He will keep His promises to us. This book is a study reference tool that can easily be added to our existing study libraries.

I Thought I Knew You
This book is a memoir about the author’s life from the point of salvation over 40 years ago until today. It expresses how she thought she knew the Lord until He continuously exceeded her expectations. This book offers a unique peek into Linda’s struggles in attempting to get her business off of life support into a profitable operation she can leave as an inheritance to her family.

Password Journal and Contact Information
The Mason Password and Contact Journal is designed to assist you in keeping a current log of all your sign-in passwords and contact information organized and in one place. Consider using a pencil to change information regularly without wasting space or pages.

Password Journal and Pop Up Thoughts
The color interior of this new password journal has red messages written throughout, designed to catch your attention and keep your log of sign-ins and passwords organized in one place. Special “Pop-up” thoughts are included throughout the pages for your consideration. Available in both color and black and white.
I’m a Veggie Hero

I’m a Veggie Hero
In a world that’s becoming increasingly digital, there’s still some sparkle in holding new adventures in your hand. In this book, your young ones will learn about the many healthy vegetables that have benefits for their growing bodies.
As your toddler’s attention span increases, this book grows with them. Parents can guide children through the pretty pictures to a handy nutritional facts guide in the back of the book. Everyone’s curiosity will be piqued as they discover helpful dietary facts about each vegetable. You will be enticed to not only guide your toddler into healthier eating choices, but they may be willing to trying new ones as well. Take this exciting tour through the “Parents Nutrition Connection” and see that healthy is not only good, it can be fun, too!
An Environmental Collection for Tots
There are six different books in this collection that individually deal with household items, occupations, colors, shapes, numbers 1-10, and of course, animals. All are bursting with vivid colors and varying shapes, capturing the curiosity of blossoming young minds..
Animals in my World

Book Summary
This 1st picture book in “An Environmental Collection for Tots” is designed to enhance toddlers’ awareness of Animals they will encounter as they mature. There are six different books in this collection that individually deal with Household Items, Occupations, Colors, Shapes, Numbers 1-10, and of course, this book, “Animals in My World, Picture Book #1.” All are bursting with vivid colors and varying shapes, capturing their keen awareness.
Share their excitement as they begin to remember what you have regularly exposed them to, ultimately repeating what is on the pages back to you as they grow.
Household Items in my World

Book Summary
Share their excitement as they begin to remember what you have regularly exposed them to, ultimately repeating what is on the pages back to you as they grow.
Occupations in my World

Book Summary
This 3rd picture book in “An Environmental Collection for Tots” is designed to enhance toddlers’ awareness of occupations they eventually will encounter as they mature. There are six different books in this collection that individually deal with Animals, Household Items, Colors, Shapes, Numbers 1-10, and of course, this book, “Occupations in My World, Picture Book #3.” All are bursting with vivid colors and varying shapes, capturing their keen awareness.
Share their excitement as they begin to remember what you have regularly exposed them to, ultimately repeating what is on the pages back to you as they grow.
Suggested Activity Tips have been provided to expand you toddler’s learning experience as their attention span increases. These suggestions will pique your toddler’s senses for a more rewarding and rememberable experience.
Colors in my World

Book Summary
In this ‘Colors’ book, parents will be refamiliarizing themselves with the Primary Colors, Red, Blue, and Yellow. The Secondary Colors are in Part 2, Orange, Green, and Violet. In Part 3, you will be encouraged to (through Activity Tips) begin color-mixing and painting with your toddler to discover other colors such as browns, blacks, and many different shades in between.
Get involved in the Process. It doesn’t matter what the End results look like. The Process allows you toddler the opportunity to be imaginative, explorative, and creative through play and experiences. Share their excitement as they begin to remember what you have exposed them to, ultimately repeating what is on the pages back to you as they grow.
Shapes in my World

Book Summary
Suggested Activity Tips have been provided to expand your toddler’s learning experience as their attention span increases. These suggestions will pique your toddler’s senses for a more rewarding and rememberable experience.
Numbers in my World

Book Summary
This book allows your toddler to use it over and over again as their attention span increases. Get excited as they are introduced to essential concepts such as sink and float, counting backward and forward, measuring opportunities, classifying, patterns, money recognition, positional perception, and critical thinking skills, all within the pages of this little book.
Share their excitement as they begin to remember what you have regularly exposed them to, ultimately repeating what is on the pages back to you as they grow.
The Spirit in the Mirror Series
The Complete 9 Book Series
This series takes a little girl on a spiritual journey through the nine different characteristics of the Fruit of the Spirit found in the Bible. Several countries and many cultures will be explored during Piper’s adventures. As a biracial child of Black and White parents, her encounters both in the United States and abroad are full of fun experiences and opportunities. Her adventures take her from Europe to South and East Asia, and to parts of Africa, Pakistan, and beyond. I invite you to take this character-building journey with Piper and see if you, too, can benefit from her experiences around the globe.

Nine stories in one book. Get your copy today!
This Spirit in the Mirror extended edition gives you an exciting opportunity to have all NINE adventures in ONE extraordinary book. No more keeping up with nine different books. You choose which country you’d like to travel over and over again as you are exposed to different cultures, foods, arts, and landscapes. Journey with Piper each morning when she encounters a new angelic visitor who takes her on an adventure through the mirror, all while everyone else in her home remains asleep. Will she tell her family about her adventures? Does she absorb the character-building lessons taught along the way to mature beyond her own needs and understand her greater connection to the communities around her? Her adventures may inspire you! This book is recommended for ages eight and above.
Available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook.
Layla Visits Piper Book #1
LOVE: Nine Days of Visitations “Caucasian American”

About the Book
The representative for Love joins Piper in this book. One spiritual visitor of the Holy Spirit will visit Piper in each book and invite her on a spiritual journey into another realm in time to experience and put into operation a particular fruit, representing that specific characteristic. In this Book # 1, Piper will experience and act out what it means to have love for others in addition to loving who she is. As Piper travels through each experience, she will develop the Godly characteristics to help build a healthy, secure, and loving individual she will need as she matures in life. She will encounter different cultures in her own country and in others. This series is recommended for ages ten and above.
Joanne Visits Piper Book #2
JOY: Nine Days of Visitations “Black American/Hip Hop”

About the Book
The representative for Joy joins Piper in this book. In book #2, Piper will experience and act out what it means to find Joy, within a culture of racism across the land. As Piper travels through each experience, she will develop the Godly characteristics to help build the healthy, secure, and loving individual she will need to be as she matures in life. She will encounter different cultures within her own country and others. This book is recommended for ages ten and above.
Patrick Visits Piper Book #3
PEACE: Nine Days of Visitations “Ireland”

About the Book
The representative for Peace joins Piper in this book. In this book #3, Piper will experience and act out what it means to find Peace, in the middle of pain. Patrick of Ireland, will accompany her. As Piper travels through each experience, she will develop the Godly characteristics to help build the healthy, secure, and loving individual she will need to be as she matures in life. She will encounter different cultures within her own country, and others. This book is recommended for ages ten and above.
Pavel Visits Piper Book #4
PATIENCE: Nine Days of Visitations “Germany”

About the Book
The representative for Patience joins Piper in this book. In Book #4, Piper will experience and act out what it means to be patient when experiencing anxiety. Her 4th visitor, Pavel, of Germany, will accompany her. As Piper travels through each experience, she will develop the Godly characteristics to help build the healthy, secure, and loving individual she will need to be as she matures in life. She will encounter different cultures within her own country and others. This book is recommended for ages ten and above.
Kapela Visits Piper Book #5
KINDNESS: Nines Days of Visitations “Black Native-American/Shinnecock Tribe”

About the Book
The representative for Kindness, Kapela, joins Piper in this book from a Black Native-American Tribe in America. In Book #5, Piper will experience and act out what it means to be Kind even when you don’t feel like it. As Piper travels through each experience, she will develop the Godly characteristics to help build the healthy, secure, and loving individual she will need to be as she matures in life. She will experience different cultures within her own country and others. This book is recommended for ages ten and above.
Gia Visits Piper Book #6
GOODNESS: Nine Days of Visitations “Spain” (The Spirit in the Mirror Series)

About the Book
The representative for Goodness, Gia, joins Piper in this book from Spain. In Book #6, Piper will experience and act out what the behavior Goodness looks like. As Piper travels through each experience, she will develop the Godly characteristics to help build the healthy, secure, and loving individual she will need to be as she matures in life. She will experience different cultures within her own country and others. This book is recommended for ages ten and above.
Furiko Visits Piper Book #7
FAITHFULNESS: Nine Days of Visitations “Japan”

About the Book
The representative for Faithfulness, Furiko, of Japan, joins Piper in this book. As Piper travels through each experience, she will develop the Godly characteristics to help build the healthy, secure, and living individual she will need to be as she matures in life. She will experience different cultures within her own country and others. This book is recommended for ages ten and above.
Ghizala Visits Piper Book #8
GENTLENESS: Nine Days of Visitations “Pakistan”

About the Book
The representative for Gentleness, Ghizala of Pakistan, joins Piper in this book. In Book #8, Piper will experience and act out what the behavior Gentleness looks like. As Piper travels through each experience, she will develop the Godly characteristics to help build the healthy, secure, and loving individual she will need to be as she matures in life. She will experience different cultures within her own country and others. This book is recommended for ages ten and above.
Serenity Visits Piper Book #9
SELF-CONTROL: Nine Days of Visitations “Africa”

About the Book
The representative for Self-Control, Serenity of Africa, joins Piper in this book. In Book #9, Piper will experience and act out what the behavior Self-Control looks like. As Piper travels through each experience, she will develop the Godly characteristics to help build the healthy, secure, and loving individual she will need to be as she matures in life. She will experience different cultures within her own country and others. This book is recommended for ages ten and above.

Book Summary
This book will describe some physical and emotional weight battles I’ve been fighting during 2020-21 that have had nothing to do with COVID-19. Through the visual description of each digit of the hand, which points me to mental strength, I will share with you a new and enhanced journey towards my best me yet. Unconventional techniques are used to accomplish seemingly impossible positive health results without guilt or regret. I invite you to travel with me as I remind myself of where my strength sources come from. Witness how I now view my hand and fingers through a very different lens. This book is intended for ages 13 and up.
Speak to me, Lord I’m Listening

Book Summary
This book, “Speak To Me, Lord, ” is a 45-day journal that records a new way of communication between God and me through number messages originated in a new book by Evelyn P.J. Jefferson, “A Love Language from the Ageless One Through Numbers.“
After decoding the personal messages from God, found in her book, it gave me the unwavering confidence needed to move forward with the Watchman procedure. Once I was out of the hospital and began a 45-day crucial first stage of healing, I wanted to experience more of what God wanted to confirm in my life through the everyday numbers I encountered.
25 Days to “The Promised Land”

Book Summary
God has equipped each of us to do something special in this life. However, to do that, it is vital we determine to take care of our bodies. We can choose to find balance in what we eat and drink, get enough rest and exercise, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regardless of your current condition, can we agree to get busy and do that? We all can start somewhere.
This book is a “Snap-Shot” in time where I develop consistency with proper eating habits; something I’ve battled with all of my life.
Are Living Beings Really Under the Earth?

Book Summary
This book contains biblically referenced information about the underground chambers currently beneath the Earth. As I was working on a project to design a miniature park in my front yard filled with truths from the book of Revelation, the Lord impressed upon me to pay attention to the “underground world” which is significant to real-world events happening today that are found in the Bible. As I thought about the kinds of information I’d be gathering, I considered what an awesome study tool this book could be down the road, having this much information in one compact study guide. I immediately started gathering more precise information about these facts and felt a need to record them in such a way that the average person as well as the more informed individual could understand them. It is not my intent to frighten anyone. My goal is to enlighten readers about their possible eternal resting place once they leave Earth. The choice is yours, of course. Choose wisely. Don’t be fooled into thinking that ‘Hell’ is the grave, and that nothing else exist after you die. As a special bonus, picturesque “tour” of Revelation Inspiration Park, my visual representation of the stories told in Revelation designed and constructed by me in my front yard, has been included for your enjoyment. May these images and information impact your lives forever. In Proverbs 4:7 it states, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, GET UNDERSTANDING!”
The COVID Monster

Book Summary
This book was written to help provide information in an age appropriate manner about the Coronavirus pandemic spreading rapidly throughout our world today (2020). Having three young grandchildren, I felt that they would be able to face this monster with less fear if they knew how it came to be and if they could help in any way.
The Not So Invisible Me

Book Summary
The hardest challenge for young children and even some older folks is to be yourself in a world where everyone is trying to make you just like them or somebody else. The happiest children are not born with or even handed the best of everything, but they can learn over time to make the best of every situation. Just remember. Most bullies are stuck in a poisonous mental prison of jealousy and self-doubt that blinds them to their own greatness. Being real is the first step to being great.
The Not So Invisible Me Chronicles Volume 1
Co-Authored with Evelyn “PJ” Jefferson

Book Summary
Within “The ‘Not So’ Invisible Me Chronicles,” you will discover that every one of us is a book with living volumes of experiences happening each and every day. some experiences are extremely challenging and others not so much, yet all of them encompasses who we become. Are you allowing those experiences to leave you bitter or better? This unique collection of stories is designed to lift hearts and potentially provide healing through sharing.
Niyah's Fantastic Images Series(My granddaughter)
The Darkness is Followed by Light, Volume 1: Forbidden Love Series

Book Summary
Niyah Mason was twelve years old when she was inspired to venture out and write her first novel series, “Forbidden Love.” The first volume in the series, “The Darkness is Followed by Light,” is an expression of magical innocence from the youthful mind of a developing child. I imagine that her natural sensual instincts at this age, coupled with her fascination with the magical, led her to decide to leap into the waters of mystical romance. Please travel with her through the many layers of mystical challenges as she uses her imagination to take you on a journey beyond dreams.
The Rise of the Dragon Prince, Volume II: Forbidden Love Series

Book Summary
This twelve-year-old author, Niyah Mason, introduced you to the Forbidden Love Series, Volume I’s innocent characters, Queen Alira and her sister, Princess Lerinia, from the Kingdom of Mytheria. You are now thrown into an unexpected twist as we meet the Dragon Prince, Thorn, of the Floating Islands in the Kingdom of Cendre. He has his fire-breathing chops on having Queen Alira as his Queen. How likely will it be for him to succeed in stealing her affections from London, the brave knight of Mytheria, who had shown some interest in her before she was swept away by a dragon servant of the Floating Islands? Who will win Queen Alira’s heart, or does the brave knight, London, even have a fighting chance? In Volume II of the Forbidden Love Series, we pick up with London, the Chief Knight, arresting Alagro, the Elf Leader of the Council, after a disrespectful confrontation against Princess Alira, soon to be crown queen, while in her bedroom chamber. Let’s see if you can keep up. The book’s recommended reading level is for ages twelve and above.
All Things New: Volume III (Forbidden Love Series)

Book Summary
The author, Niyah Mason, has now turned thirteen years old with this presentation of Volume III, All Things New, of the Forbidden Love Series. You wouldn’t want to skip the foundational Volume I and Volume II because situations and special characters are changing very often. You may have been anticipating one possible romantic scenario, and with one blink of an eye, you can find yourself entirely on a different floating fantasy would with new temptations all around. Expect exciting new characters with altogether fresh motives and see if you can figure out where Queen Alira is headed next. Where are her three heroes who are supposed to rescue her? Does she even still want to be rescued? This book can be understood by children eight years old but should be read by children ten and above. It is a romantic love series; however, written through an extremely innocent heart. Linda Mason/Grandmother & Publisher.
Niyahtopia’s Fashion Designs: Picture Book #1

Book Summary
This book is a collection of different fantastic designs created in a 10 year old’s imagination. She is now willing to share these precious drawings with the world. Enjoy your journey through the fashion world of a little lady who loves to draw. Enjoy her first book to be followed by at least two more. This collection of art also includes a chapter of pictures she drew when she was much younger. Niyah’s heart’s desire is to help fund the cost to find Forever families for animals in shelters.
Niyahtopia’s People, People and More People

Book Summary
Through Niyah’s second picture book, readers will enjoy a collection of fantastic drawings depicting people from the imagination of a ten year old. Niyah’s art work is a reflection of how she choses to spend some of her spare time just chillin’. Travel with her and be transported through the lens of a child’s eyes with a large heart. Her desire is to raise funds through the selling of these books, to locate Forever Families for unwanted animals of the ASPCA. Her hope is that you are willing to partner with her to make a difference. The young and young at heart will enjoy these original prints found within “Niyahtopia’s People, People and more People.” Additionally, with your support, you will also be helping her fulfill her desire of becoming a veterinarian when she grows up, as a portion of her profits will be placed into a college fund.
Niyahtopia’s Animals, Animals and More Animals

Book Summary
This book is a combination of images created from the imagination of Niyah Mason, who is currently ten years old. Some of the images are drawn from her past and the book also features drawings of animals from now. Additionally included, are creative images that she describes as “Other Stuff.” Be inspired as you view these images through a child’s eyes and consider supporting her cause to help sheltered animals find forever families.
In His Grace Series
An "In His Grace" ProjectIn His Grace –
Combined 2-book Series
In this combined “In His Grace” two book series, you can enjoy the entire story just in two books! Journey with the characters as they are plunged into desperate situation after desperate situation, never really being sure how they will survive. Travel with each character and witness how age and past experiences have altered their futures. Hard times and the consequences of unpopular decisions are not over, as the characters are continuously challenged by ghosts from their pasts. Should they be welcomed? Will they handle things like adults? Aren’t adults supposed to have all the answers? We’ll find out as the drama unfolds.
As with my other novels, be on the lookout for a secret coded message scattered throughout the pages.
Beyond Your Control

Book Summary
Destruction, worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger, desperation and feelings of hopelessness; all of these are attacking your mind and sometimes your physical environment. Be intrigued and watchful as you are caught in a storm from the bottomless pit. The suspense mounts with every waking moment. You feel out of control for your own destiny while the surrounding elements, or your own warped imagination just won’t set you free. This novel, ‘Beyond Your Control’ is the first book of a never ending series written for young adults, even though a much older crowd would find them riveting. Feelings of fascination and excitement mixed with apprehension, tension and anxiety; developed from unpredictable, mysterious and rousing sources, come at you around every corner. Come on—take a wild ride with me into places you never knew existed within yourself.
Disappointment Meets Grace

Book Summary
Be intrigued and watchful a you are caught in a storm from the bottomless pit. The suspense mounts with every waking moment. You feel out of control for your own destiny while the surrounding elements, or your own warped imagination, just won’t set you free. This novel, along with the sequels, are suspense novels written for young adults even though a much older crowd would find them riveting. Feelings of fascination and excitement mixed with apprehension, tension and anxiety, developed from unpredictable, mysterious and rousing sources, come at you around every corner. Come on—take a wild ride with me into places you never knew existed within yourself.
Within My Reach

Book Summary
This riveting saga continues to track the fat of Luther and Steve from our first novel, Beyond Your Control and Disappointment Meets Grace. All of it comes closer to its conclusion in Within My Reach. Steve and Luther were split up and are now in two different states. Will they be reunited? Will they forever be lost to each other and never e connected as best buddies again? Follow Steve’s new life in a place over 900 miles away at the Lakeview Health Institute, a confusing madhouse at times, with secrets behind every door.
Are You Sure About This?

Book Summary
As in Beyond Your Control and the novels that followed, the characters here are also scattered throughout the storyline, moving sporadically from one character’s view point to another. You most likely have already become familiar with each character as you collected all previous novels. We’ve traveled through the storms of ‘Beyond Your Control,’ on to the amazing scenes depicted in ‘Disappointment Meets Grace’ and then we hit some low valleys and mountain tops in ‘Within My Reach.’ Sara’s and Luther’s futures hang in the shadows of broken hearts. In the previous novel, Within My Reach, Sara claws her way out of one extreme reality to yet another slap in the face from life’s continuous challenges. The riveting saga continues finally knowing the very sad fate of Steve’s demise. Luther will have to find a way to pick up the shattered pieces of his heart in order to proceed with God’s plans for his life. All of it comes together allowing emotions to rule which produces consequences that are almost unbearable. Stay with us as we maneuver through these very real tangles of life but still survive holding our heads up, though a bit wounded.
All Grown Up But Still Learning

Book Summary
This final story in the “In His Grace” project series continues to follow the flow of varying characters points of view, tackling new and difficult challenges of which life never seems to have a shortage. Travel with each character and witness how age and their past experiences have altered their futures. Hard times and the consequences of unpopular decisions are not over as the characters are continuously challenged by ghosts from their pasts. Should they be welcomed? will they handle things like adults? Aren’t adults supposed to have all the answers? We’ll find out as the drama unfolds…
Lair! Lair! Pants on Fire! #45

Book Summary
Many Americans have become accustomed to our 45th president’s lies. I never will. May I suggest that as regular as his lies have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to such outright disrespect. We are all aware, regardless to political party, that it is destructive and is taking a destructive toll on our nations. This book is a collection of exact lies or intentional misleading claim, and the dates of those statements our 45th president has made for a year. The truth about these lies or false claims have also been listed and can be researched for authenticity by simple listening to President Trump himself. I thought it may be helpful for me to group a lot of this nonsense within one collection as to help you be aware of the magnitude of such an unethical personality now in charge of our country. I’ve also included other verifiable facts (NOT FAKE NEWS) concerning the life and disruptive practices that has been a part of Trump’s core behavior all of his life. Take a look at some of his life-long stepping stones and recognize how these hard experiences have contributed to the character of a man we now see in the White House. Be enlightened.
Anxious Arlene
Coloring Book

About this Title
This is Anxious Arlene Book 1 of the Spirit of Truth Coloring Book Collection. You will have an opportunity to explore your own creative juices by coloring the actual illustrations from the original Anxious Arlene storybook. Have lots of fun by collecting both sets of books and share the added fun.
Busy Benny through Fearless Freddie
Coloring Book

About this Title
In ‘Busy Benny through Fearless Freddie Book 2’, you will find pages you can color with images taken directly from the original Busy Benny, Catty Carly, Doubtful Denise, Excited Ernesto and Fearless Freddie storybooks; A collection of five different storybooks from the Spirit of Truth Series. No additional hidden messages or puzzles and games are included. Coloring right over the slightly shaded images and creating your own masterpieces is the only focus of these unique books. Have tons of fun!
Graceful Gregory through Kissing Kirkland
Coloring Book

About this Title
In Graceful Gregory through Kissing Kirkland: Coloring Book 3, you will find pages you can color with images directly from the original Graceful Gregory, Hopeful Henry, Itchy Irvin, Jumping Josey and Kissing Kirkland; A collection of five different storybooks from the Spirit of truth Series all in one exciting coloring book. A small amount of written details concerning each actual S.O.T. story has also been provided. No additional hidden messages or puzzles and games are included. Coloring right over the slightly shaded images while creating your own masterpieces is the only focus of these unique activity books. Have tons of fun!
Lonely Lucilia through Pudgy Pete
Coloring Book

About this Title
In Lonely Lucilia through Pudgy Pet Book 4, you will find pages you can color with images directly from the original Lonely Lucilia, Muddy Maria, Noisy Nelly, Orphaned Ophelia and Pudgy Pete storybooks; a collection of five different storybooks from the S.O.T. Series all in one exciting coloring book. A small amount of written details concerning each actual story has also been provided. No additional hidden messages or puzzles and games are included. Coloring right over the slightly shaded images while creating your own masterpieces is the only focus of these unique activity books. Have tons of fun!
Quarrelsome Quaniqua through Ungrateful Ursula
Coloring Book

About this Title
In Quarrelsome Quaniqua through Ungrateful Ursula Coloring Book 5, you will find pages you can color with images directly from the original Quarrelsome Quaniqua, Reckless Ricardo, Shy Stanley, Tearful Tanya and Ungrateful Ursula storybooks; a collection of five different storybooks from the Spirit of Truth Series all in one exciting coloring book. A small amount of written details concerning each actually S.O.T. story has also been provided. No additional hidden messages or puzzles and games are included. Coloring right over the slightly shaded image while creating your own masterpieces is the only focus of these unique activity books. Have tons of fun!
Valiant Vivica through Zealous Zeporah
Coloring Book

About this Title
In Valiant Vivica – Zealous Zeporah Coloriing Book # 6, you will find pages you can color with images directly from the original Valiant Vivica, Worrying Winston, X-Con Xavier, Yearning Yolanda and Zealous Zeporah; a collection of five different storybooks from the Spirit of Truth Series all in one exciting coloring book. A small amount of written details concerning each actually S.O.T. story has also been provided. No additional hidden messages or puzzles and games are included. Coloring right over the slightly shaded images while creating your own masterpieces is the only focus of these unique activity books. Have tons of fun!
Choose the book cover color that matches your child’s age
Ages 5 and Below
Ages 6, 7
Ages 8 & 9
Ages 10+
– A –
Standard Version

Book Summary
This story is about an anxious family consisting of a young brother and sister who lives with their grandpa and grandma. They have a little dog that was kept and never found by the original owners. They all live together (with a few very interesting mishaps), in a loving, exciting home.
– A –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in the regular storybook (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore, only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. Anxious Arlene is a story about an anxious family consisting of a young brother and sister who lives with their grandpa and grandma. They have a little adopted dog that was never claimed or found by the original owner and they all live together (with a few mishaps), in a loving, exciting home. This story can be enjoyed by children ages four and up.
– B –
Standard Version

Book Summary
The storybook, “Busy Benny,” is a story about a busy little boy who loves to tinker with Wacky car models. He gets the opportunity to create a child sized Wacky car, with the help of his mom and dad, and finally enters it into a race with him doing the driving. He runs into a little surprise during his test run. This story can be enjoyed by children ages seven and up. Busy Benny is the second book of a 26 multicultural, storybook collection. These books includes 26 exciting new reading adventures that encourages children to be true to their God given strengths in order to cope victoriously through everyday life as a child. Each story includes a secretly coded message, which once decoded, can boost their self-esteem. Colorful cut-out activities or other age appropriate activities are included for further group discussions and/or individual creative play.
– B –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in the regular storybooks (which include various activities hat require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message, if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. This story is about a busy little boy who loves to tinker with Wacky car models. He gets the opportunity to create a child sized Wacky car, with the help of his mom and dad and finally enters it into a race with him doing the driving. He runs into a little surprise during his test run. This story can be enjoyed by children ages six and up
– C –
Standard Version

Book Summary
This story is about a group of neighborhood house cats who carry on “catty” conversations behind their friend’s back at times. One particular Burmese cat soon realizes that her behavior was not appropriate, and it could be a little late for apologies. This story deals with death portrayed through animal characters. The book is dedicated to my daughter, Tamara, who as an adult, loss a cat she adored, Jeckle, to an illness. The story line is very light; however, use parental wisdom.
– C –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; a in the regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. This story is about a group of neighborhood house cats who carry on ‘catty’ conversation behind their friend’s back at times. One particular Burmese cat soon realizes that her behavior was not appropriate and it could be a little late for apologies. This story deals with death portrayed through animal characters. This book is dedicated to my daughter, Tamara, who as an adult, loss three cats she adored, to an illness. The story line is very light; however, use parental wisdom when allowing your child to read it. This story can be enjoyed by children ages five and up.
– D –
Standard Version

Book Summary
Doubtful Denise is a story about a single father raising a young teenaged daughter who is full of doubt about herself, her abilities, and her future. Through a father’s persistent encouragement and unyielding love for her, she eventually gains trust in herself and finds hope for a brighter future. Denise is the beautiful offspring of a bi-racial union.
– D –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in book; as in the regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. This story is about a single father raising a young teenaged daughter who is full of doubt about herself, her abilities and her future. Through a father’s persistent encouragement and unyielding love for her, she eventually gains trust in herself and finds hope for a brighter future. This story can be enjoyed by children ages seven and up.
– E –
Standard Version

Book Summary
This story is about a teenaged boy overcoming a fear of riding roller coasters. He experiences some exciting events at the county fair with a buddy friend of his an his buddy’s sister, Maria. She adds extra excitement for Ernesto because no one knew she would be there, and he has a secret crush on her. Join this exciting group of youth as they experience some of the thrills of riding a roller coaster for the first time. Ride along with Ernesto, as your heart races to the beat of his own. This story can be enjoyed by children ages seven and up. Many more exciting adventures can be enjoyed by collecting all 21 Spirit of Truth Storybooks from A-Z.
– E –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks wee designed for venues such as libraries where writing in book; as in the regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message, if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. This story is about a teenaged boy overcoming a fear of riding roller coasters. He experiences some exciting events at the county fair with a buddy friend of his and his buddy’s sister, Maria. She adds extra excitement for Ernesto because no one knew she would be there and he has a secret crush on her. Join this exciting group of youth as they sample the tasty treats found at all State Fairs, and as they experience some of the thrills of riding a roller coaster for the first time. Ride along with Ernesto, as your heart races to the beat of his own. This story can be enjoyed by children ages seven and up.
– F –
Standard Version

Book Summary
Freddie is a little boy who is very creative and willing to test out any new adventure, regardless of risk. He is always ready and willing to try dangerous stunts until one day it gets him into big trouble. Does he learn from making dangerous choices, or does he continue to believe he is invincible? This story can be enjoyed by children ages three and up.
– F –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in the regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition version. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. Freddie is a little boy who is very creative and willing to test out any new adventure, regardless of risk. He is always ready and willing to try dangerous stunts until one day it gets him into big trouble. Does he learn from making dangerous choices, or does he continue to believe he is invincible? This story can be enjoyed by children ages five and up.
– G –
Standard Version

Book Summary
Graceful Gregory loves to dance. He encounters teasing by his peers, but continues to do what he loves. He eventually meet another little boy who is not so interested in dancing, but his family is insisting that he gives it a try. The two boys meet and things begin to change for both of them. This story can be enjoyed by children ages seven and up, but younger if the reader is already dancing.
– G –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues, such as libraries where writing in books; as in the regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. Gregory loves to dance. He encounters teasing by his peers but continues to do what he loves. He eventually meets another young individual who is not so interested in dancing, but his family is insisting that he gives it a try. The two young boys meet and things begin to change, for both of them. This story can be enjoyed by children ages seven and up, but younger if the reader is already dancing.
– H –
Standard Version

Book Summary
Henry is full of anticipation for the new school year and is hopeful he will not experience the disappointments he has had in the past. He apparently gets disappointed over and over again until a tragedy occurs in his life and he ends up being supported by the very people he thought were insignificant. He learns also, not only to see things differently, but to always be grateful and remain hopeful.
– H –
Second Edition

Book Summary
Henry is full of anticipation for the new school year and is hopeful he will not experience the disappointments he has had in the past. He apparently gets disappointed over, and over again until a tragedy occurs in his life and he ends up being supported by the very people he thought were insignificant. He learns also, not only to see things differently but to always be grateful and remain hopeful. This story can be enjoyed by children ages seven and up.
– I –
Standard Version

Book Summary
This story is played out using a pack of dogs as characters. One of them misjudges some physical symptoms of another dog, and begins teasing him. Itchy Irvin gets picked on constantly because of a skin condition. This particular pack of dogs meets a little boy who is going through a similar situation with his classmates at school. Let’s see how this doggy story barks out. This story can be enjoyed by children ages seven and up.
– I –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.OT. storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in the regular storybooks (which includes various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore, only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. The actual storyline remains the same. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. Itchy Irvin’s story is played out using a pack of dogs as characters. One of them misjudges some physical symptoms of another dog and begins teasing him. That dog gets picked on constantly because of a skin condition. This particular pack of dogs meets a little boy who is going through a similar situation with his classmates at school. Let’s see how this doggy story barks out. This book can be enjoyed by children ages four and above.
– J –
Standard Version

Book Summary
Jumping Josey is about a teenager who lives a life of thrills while flipping and jumping every chance she gets. She ultimately gets to experience one of her life’s dreams — sky diving. Travel with Josey as she goes on the most exhilarating jump of her life. This book can be enjoyed by children ages five and above.
– J –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in the regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. Jumping Josey is about a teenager who lives a life of thrills while flipping and jumping every chance she gets. She ultimately gets to experience one of her life’s dreams — sky diving. Travel with Josey as she goes on the most exhilarating jump of her life. This book can be enjoyed by children ages five and above.
– K –
Revised Version

Book Summary
This story is about a very affectionate little boy who spends his days and nights kissing all kinds of creatures. Eventually, his normal kissing routine lands him into beg trouble when he gets attacked by a momma duck. Let’s follow our adorable Kissing Kirkland through an average day at home and see how he survives some of the repercussions having a personality like this, may present. This story can be enjoyed by children ages five and up.
– K –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in my regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore, only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message, I the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. Kissing Kirkland is about a very affectionate little boy who spends his days and nights kissing all kinds of creatures. Eventually, his normal kissing routine lands him into big trouble when he gets attacked by a momma duck. Let’s follow our adorable Kissing Kirkland through an average day at home and see how he survives some of the repercussions having a personality such as this, may present.
– L –
Standard Version

Book Summary
This story is about two teenagers that are best friends. They are forced to separate, due to a family relocation to a different country. The storyline starts out in a coastal town in Fife, Scotland, where Lucilia and Dillard have lived all of their lives. Take this lonesome journey with Lucilia, as she is forced to move from the only place she’ ever known, and from her very best friend in the world, to a strange country she knows nothing about — the United States of America. This story is written on a fifth grade level, but can be enjoyed by children much younger.
– L –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in the regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. This story is about two teenagers that are best friends. They share a very unique inter-racial friendship. They are forced to separate due to a family relocation to a different Country. The storyline starts out in a coastal town in Fife, Scotland, where Lucilia and Dillard have lived all of their lives. Take this lonesome journey with Lucilia as she is forced to move from the only place she has ever known, and from her very best friend in the world, to a strange Country she knows nothing about— the United States of America. This story can be enjoyed by children ages eight and up.
– M –
Standard Version

Book Summary
Muddy Maria is a story that explores the life of a little girl who loves to get dirty. With the help of her creative mother, her dirty, playful habit is channeled into a very productive, fun activity that can last a life time. Dive into this interesting twist of events and discover how playing in a lot of dirt, in some situations, can possibly turn out to be very good for you or even prosperous. This story can be enjoyed by children ages five and up, but younger if the reader loves playing in mud.
– M –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in the regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore, only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. Muddy Maria is a story that explores the life of a little girl who loves to get dirty. With the help of her creative mother, her dirty, playful habit is channeled into a very productive, fun activity that can last a life time. Dive into this interesting twist of events and discover how playing in a lot of dirt, in some situations, can possibly turn out to be very good for you or even prosperous. This story can be enjoyed by children ages five and up, but younger if the reader loves playing in mud.
– N –
Standard Version

Book Summary
This story explores the hatching of a bird from a bird’s perspective. As this special bird explores her new world, words of wisdom flow from its mother. These words eventually take root in Nelly’s, heart in a very unique way. Soar with Nelly as she learns a very important lesson by refocusing her perspective on a part of her life she once perceived as gloomy. This story is dedicated to my first grandchild, Niyah Nylliana Mason, whom I believe one day will also soar as high as an eagle. This story can be enjoyed by children ages seven and up.
– N –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in the regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore, only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message, if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. Noisy Nelly explores the hatching of a bird from a bird’s perspective. As this special bird explores he new world, words of wisdom flow from its mother. These words eventually take root in Nelly’s heart in a very unique way. Soar with Nelly as she learns a very important lesson by refocusing her perspective on a part of her life she once perceived as gloomy. This story is dedicated to my first grandchild, Niyah Nylliana Mason, not because I think she is noisy, but whom I believe on day will also soar as high as an eagle. This story can be enjoyed by children ages five and up.
– O –
Standard Version

Book Summary
Most of Orphaned Ophelia’s story takes place in a very unique orphanage. Ophelia lives with the discomforts of not having a traditional family, but through it all she finds the compassion to help others. One day that compassion is returned, and she receives the most rewarding surprise of her life. This story can be enjoyed by children ages five and up even though it’s written at a 4th or 5th grade reading level.
– O –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in my regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore, only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message, if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. Orphaned Ophelia taks place in a very unique orphanage. Ophelia lives with the discomforts of not having a traditional family, but through it all, she finds the compassion to help others. ne day that compassion is returned, and she receives the mot rewarding surprise of her life. This story can be enjoyed by children ages five and up.
– P –
Standard Version

Book Summary
This story is about a little boy who obviously because of his nickname, carries a little more weight than the average child. Journey with Pete as his self-pity and low self-esteem evolves into self-worth. After befriending a new physically challenged neighbor who moves in next door, she teaches him how to appreciate the special person he is and not to focus on what size pants he wears. This story can be enjoyed by children ages seven and up.
– P –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in my regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore, only the story, and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message, if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. Pudgy Pete is about a little boy who obviously, because of his nickname, carries a little more weight than others. Journey with Pete as his self-pity and low self-esteem evolves into self-worth. After befriending a new physically challenged neighbor who moves in next door, she teach him how to appreciate the special person he is, and not to focus on what size pants he wears. This story can be enjoyed by children ages seven and up.
– Q –
Standard Version

Book Summary
This story contains sensitive material. It is not intended to be read as a bedtime story. Our story deals with a serious issue that some children must live with every day: an abusive living environment (non-sexual). The main character is a Latino teen (Quaniqua) who lives in poor, none-nurturing conditions. She becomes bitter and her behavior follows suit, until she meets someone outside of the home, and of a different culture, who finally teats her with respect. his causes Quanique to pull herself up and out of the pit she seemed to be falling into. Hang in there with her through the hard times, and see this young lady become a more productive, happier citizen. This story can be enjoyed by children eight and up; however, use parental wisdom as to if this story is suited for your particular younger child.
– Q –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in book; as in my regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore, only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. This story contains sensitive subject matter. It is not intended to be read as a bedtime story. Our story deals with a serious issue where some children must live with every day: an abusive living environment (non-sexual). The main character is a Latino teen (Quaniqua) who lies in poor, none-nurturing conditions. She becomes bitter and her behavior follows suit, until she meets someone outside of the home, and of a different culture, who finally treats her with respect. Hang in there with Quaniqua through the hard times and see this young lady become a more productive, happier citizen. This story can be enjoyed by children eight years and up; however, use parental wisdom as to if this story is suited for you particular younger child.
– R –
Standard Version

Book Summary
This story is about a young boy who start out with some very reckless and disrespectful behaviors, but ends up with a very unusual science project that helps him start behaving in new, more respectful ways. you might be surprised at the results of this nontraditional outcome to a very common allergy. This story can be enjoyed by children ages seven and up.
– R –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in my regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore, only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. you can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message, if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. Reckless Ricardo is about a young boy who starts out with some very reckless and disrespectful behaviors, but ends up with a very unusual science project that helps him start behaving in new, more respectful ways. You might be surprised at the results of this nontraditional outcome to a very common allergy. This story can be enjoyed by children ages seven and up.
– S –
Standard Version

Book Summary
This story is about a very quiet little boy who has some very interesting talents. He spends a lot of his time alone; however, he is extremely observant. Stanley meets a girl around his same age with similar gifts and interests, which creates a bond that opens them both up to view their world differently. Let’s visit these interesting young people and discover what their talents are. Maybe you have similar talents as well, and might have some interesting ideas of your own as to how to present those talents to the world. This story can be enjoyed by children ages seven and up.
– S –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in my regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore, only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. Shy Stanley s a story about a quiet little boy who has some very interesting talents. He spends a lot of his time alone; however, he is extremely observant. Stanley meets a girl his age with similar gifts and interest, which creates a bond that opens them both up o view their world differently. Let’s visit these interesting young people and discover what their talents are. Maybe you have similar talents as well and might have some interest ideas of your own as to how to present those talents to the world. This story can be enjoyed by children ages eight and above.
– T –
Standard Version

Book Summary
This story deals with a little girl who is full of grief over the passing of her grandmother. The family has a spiritual upbringing, and the little girl’s mom guides her through the grieving process as she draws strength from above, here she’s convinced her grandmother now resides. This story may be a little sensitive if you are a child in a similar situation, yet it can be enjoyed by children ages five and above.
– T –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in my regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore, only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. Tearful Tanya deals with a little girl who is full of grief over the passing of he grandmother. The family has a spiritual upbringing, and the little girl’s mom guides her through the grieving process as she draws strength from above, where she’s convinced her grandmother now resides. This story may be a little sensitive if you are a child in a similar situation, yet it can be enjoyed by children ages five and above.
– U –
Standard Version

Book Summary
This story contains ‘sensitive’ material. It is recommended for children ages ten and above. The story deals with a teenaged girl who grew up without her mother, and who very rarely saw her father. However, because of her grandmother’s recent illness, she must now live with her father. She begins to us ‘cutting’ as her method of coping. Things smooth out, but it’s a very bumpy, painful ride. Walk with Ursula as she moves from ‘much pain’ to ‘much gain.’ This story can be enjoyed and read by children ages ten and above.
– U –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in my regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore, only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. Ungrateful Ursula contains ‘sensitive’ material. It is recommended for children ages ten and above. The story deals with a teenaged girl who grew up without her mother, and who very rarely saw her father. She lives temporarily with her aging grandmother. However, because of her grandmother’s illness, Ursula must now live with her father, and she begins to us ‘cutting’ as her method of coping. Things smooth out, but it’s a very bumpy, painful ride Walk with Ursula as she moves from ‘much pain’ to ‘much gain.’
– V –
Standard Version

Book Summary
This story is about a very gifted little girl who loves contact sports. Boys her same age seem to both admire her and can be intimidated by her unprecedented strength at the same time. A natural disaster occurs on the day of Vivica’s first wrestling tournament and her valiant personality takes over. Follow along as she demonstrates extraordinary acts of bravery and through it all, this experience will change her forever. This story can be enjoyed by children ages eight and above.
– V –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in my regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore, only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you.Valiant Vivica is about a very gifted little girl who loves contact sports. Boys her same age seem to both admire her, and can be intimidated by her unprecedented strength at the same time. A natural disaster occurs on the day of Vivica’s first wrestling tournament, and her valiant personality takes over. Follow along as she demonstrates extraordinary acts of bravery, and through it all, this experience will change her forever. This story can be enjoyed by children ages eight and above.
– W –
Standard Version

Book Summary
This story is about a little boy whose mother is an active Marine in the United States’ armed forces. Winston is a very responsible little boy; however, he does worry a great deal about his mother’s well-being. While on a Treasure Hunt, a game designed by his mother using riddles written in a letter Winston received, an unfortunate accident occurs and his mother ends up with a serious injury. Will they complete the treasure hunt? Stand with Winston and his father as they draw strength from each other to deal with a life’s situation that changes their entire world. This story can be enjoyed by children ages eight and above
– W –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in my regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore, only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. This story is about a little boy whose mother is an active Marine in the United States armed forces. Winston is a very responsible little boy; however, he does worry a great deal about his mother’s well-being. While on a Treasure Hunt, a game designed by his mother using riddles written in a letter Winston received, an unfortunate accident occur and his mother ends up with a serious injury. Will they complete the Treasure Hunt? Stand with Winston and his father as they draw strength from each other, to deal with a life’s situation that changes their entire world.
– X –
Standard Version

Book Summary
This story has been presented in ‘limerick style poetry’ to lighten the seriousness of the topic for a child. Because of Xavier’s destructive behavior, he is placed in various state institutions. Xavier meets a person while incarcerated that offers him hope and a different way of thinking. His inner spiritual change eventually points him in a new, more positive direction. Now with new hope, he has a chance to begin a new lifestyle outside of lock-up. This story is suggested for children ages ten and above, but can be understood by children younger with mature personalities.
– X –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in my regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore, only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message, if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. This story has been presented in ‘limerick style poetry’ to lighten the seriousness of the topic for a child. Because of Xavier’s destructive behavior, he is placed in various state institutions. Xavier meets a person while incarcerated that offers him hope and a different way of thinking. His inner spiritual change eventually points him in a new direction. Now with new hope, he has a chance to begin a new, more productive lifestyle outside of lock-up. an additional poem has been inserted at the end of the main poem; written by my daughter, Tamara Mason, to honor her many contributions in supporting me with this project. This story can be read by children ages ten and above, but can be enjoyed by children much younger.
– Y –
Standard Version

Book Summary
This story takes you on a short journey with a twelve year old girl who lost her eyesight in a car accident a year ago. she yearns for life to be as it was before the accident; however, life has a way of throwing you constant challenges that could cause you to either withdraw further into bitterness, or to emerge with a heart of gratefulness. Which one will Yolanda choose? Walk with Yolanda through an even harder challenge that, if handled with fear and bitterness, could not only take her life, but the lives of her mother and her best friend, Toby (her dog). This story can be enjoyed by children ages eight and above but understood by younger children, if read to.
– Y –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in my regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore, only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 2nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message, if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. This story takes you on a short journey with a twelve year old young girl who lost her eyesight in a car accident a year ago. She yearns for life to be as it was before the accident; however, life has a way of throwing you constant challenges that could cause you to either withdraw further into bitterness, or to emerge with a heart of gratefulness. Which one will Yolanda choose? Walk with her through an even harder challenge that if handled with fear and bitterness, could not only take her life, but the lives of her mother and her best friend, Toby (her dog). this story can be enjoyed by children ages eight and above.
– Z –
Standard Version

Book Summary
Zeporah is a very passionate young lady full of enthusiasm for life. She jogged regularly but one day she slipped and fell, injuring her ankle. A situation such as this would have brought most people to a halt, or perhaps could cause others to go into a state of temporary depression. How will Zeporah handle a situation like this when so many people are depending on her enthusiasm to help motivate them? After all, she is the team’s captain. This story can be enjoyed by children ages seven and up.
– Z –
Second Edition

Book Summary
The 2nd Edition S.O.T. Storybooks were designed for venues such as libraries where writing in books; as in my regular storybooks (which include various activities that require writing or cutting), must not be encouraged. Therefore, only the story and the secret coded message have been included in the 3nd edition versions. You can copy the secret coded worksheet to decode the message if the 2nd edition storybook doesn’t belong to you. Zeporah is a very passionate young lady full of enthusiasm for life. She jogged regularly, but on day she slipped and fell, injuring her ankle. A situation such as this would have brought most people to a halt, or perhaps could cause others to go into a state of temporary depression. How well Zeporah handle a situation like this, when so many people are depending on her enthusiasm to help motivate them? She is the caption of the team, after all. This story can be enjoyed by children ages seven and above.
Spirit of Truth Storybook Series
Volume One

Book Summary
This Volume is packed full of multicultural stories from the original S.O.T. storybooks designed to touch the hearts of children dealing with various issues of life from a child’s perspective. This first volume captures ‘A through M’ of the exciting individual storybooks from the series, without the activities. However, the activities. However, the secret coded inspirational messages, appearing in RED lettering throughout all individual storybooks, have been revealed, along with a decoded master’s list for those thirteen books. A master’s list of answers to all of the exciting treasure hunts and special facts about the author (found in the individual books), has also been included in this volume, as well as in Volume Two. This is a special treat because the answers to all of those games are not found in the single books. You’ve hit the Jackpot by owning these volumes. This special black and white edition has been offered for those budget conscious households. Get prepared for hours and hours of fun, laughter and sometimes sad adventures, as you reinforces your little ones to develop imagination and an appreciation for others, who may look or act differently than they do. Perhaps thy may even find their own situation among the diverse characters within the pages, and be encouraged or inspired.
Volume Two

Book Summary
A multicultural collection of 13 original S.O.T. Stories designed to touch the hearts of children dealing with various issues of life from a child’s perspective. This second volume captures N through Z of the exciting individual storybooks, without the added activities. However, the secret coded inspirational messages, appearing in red lettering throughout all individual storybooks, have been revealed , along with a decoded mater’s list for those thirteen books. a master’s list of answers to all of the exciting treasure hunts and special facts about the author (found in the individual books), has also been included in this volume, as well as in Volume One. This is a special treat because the answers to all of those games are not found in the single books. You’ve hit the JACKPOT by owning these volumes. Get prepared for hours and hours of fun, laughter and sometimes teary adventures, as you reinforced your little ones to develop imagination and an appreciation for others, who may look or act differently than they do. Perhaps they may even find their own situation among the diverse characters within the pages, and be encouraged.
Spirit of Truth
Mini EditionsA-F
Editor’s Edition #1

Book Summary
A multicultural collection of 6 original S.O.T. stories from the Spirit of Truth Storybook Series from A-Z designed to touch the hearts of children dealing with various issues of life from a child’s perspective, ages 4-12. Be prepared for hours and hours of fun, laughter and sometimes sad adventures, as you reinforce your little ones to develop imagination and an appreciation for others who may look or act differently than they do. Perhaps they may find their own situation among the diverse characters within the pages and be encouraged or inspired. A secret coded inspirational message has been included within the storyline of each individual story. Collect all 4 Editor Edition Minis which has 6 stories each or choose to collect the regular Volume One and Volume Two Editor Editions having 12 stories each.
Editor’s Edition #2

Book Summary
Appetizers from the Word of God consists of three volumes. Volume One is a menu of seven spiritual appetizers., such as “Changing Your Attitude,” to “Improving Your Thoughts.” The goal of these books, in conjunction with the Bible, is to improve your moral and spiritual well being.
Editor’s Edition #3

Book Summary
This book contains a multicultural collection of 6 original S.O.T. stories from the Spirit of Truth Storybook Series from A-Z designed to touch the hearts of children dealing with various issues of life from a child’s perspective. Be prepared for hours of fun, laughter and sometimes sad adventures, as you reinforce your little ones to develop imagination and an appreciation for others who may not look like them. Perhaps they may even find their own situation among the diverse characters within the pages, and be encouraged or inspired. A secret coded inspirational message has been included within the storyline of each individual story. Collect all 4 editor edition minis or collect the regular Volume One and Volume Two editor editions having 12 stories each. Single storybooks are also available with even more creative activities for your enjoyment. For ages 4-12.
Editor’s Edition #4

Book Summary
A multicultural collection of 6 original S.O.T. stories from the Spirit of Truth Storybook Series from A-Z designed to touch the hearts of children dealing with various issues of life from a child’s perspective. Be prepared for hours of fun, laughter and sometimes sad adventures, as you reinforce your little ones to develop imagination and an appreciation for others who may not look like themselves. Perhaps they may even find their own situation among the diverse characters within the pages, and be encouraged or inspired. For children age 4-12.
Appetizers from the Word of God
Volume One

Book Summary
God designed us to worship Him. But He gives us complete control over our own will as we make our choices in life. Will those choices include Him or not? He tells us in Deuteronomy to choose life, but He still leaves that option up to us.
Wet your appetite as you dive into the first of three volumes in the series, “Appetizers from the Word of God… Are You Hungry?” Sip on the topics offered on the banquet table like Who Says God is 3 in 1, or Changing Your Attitude, Improving Your Thoughts, or No Pain, No Gain: Costs and Benefits. Munch on the topic of forgiveness, whether it’s learning how to forgive others by faith if necessary or about forgiving yourself. You’d be surprised to learn so much about yourself as you partake of this rich smorgasbord.
Volume Two

Book Summary
Continue to wet your appetite with volume two of the three-volume series, Appetizers From the Word of God… Are You Hungry? This volume serves up topics such as Holy Spirit-What’s That, Symbols of the Holy Spirit, Tongues: Why is this Necessary, Talents vs. Motive Gifts, Gifts of the Spirit, Ministry Gifts, and more. Have you ever had prophetic dreams and thought you were physic? Learn the difference while studying these volumes. BON APPETIT!!!
Volume Three

Book Summary
This final volume of the series is a menu of ten spiritual appetizers, including Praying and Fasting, Communion, Financial Stewardship, Prophetic Dreams, Music, Praise and Worship, plus a buffet of other goodies from God’s word. These books aim to improve your moral and spiritual well-being through simplistic study guides while motivating you to action.