Welcome to your next adventure…
Will you choose to be plunged into a riveting tale of intrigue and survival through the “In His Grace” series? Or, might you choose a colorful journey with your little ones through the “Environmental Collection for Tots,” where you can introduce curious young minds to the elements in the world around? Books including items found around the home, occupations, colors, numbers, and shapes help teach critical thinking as young minds grow in understanding patterns, measurements, and spatial positioning. You might even choose to expand your child’s pallet by journeying through “I’m A Veggie Hero from A-Z,” where you can not only introduce children to unique and delicious vegetables, but also teach them about nutrition!
Here in my world of magical adventure, children have a plethora of learning choices; however, the learning doesn’t stop there. For those who are interested in expanding their spiritual knowledge and understanding, we have:
- Appetizers From the Word of God – a menu of over seven spiritual appetizer topics in each volume, including areas to record notes, thoughts, ideas, or questions.
- Are Living Beings Really Under the Earth? – this book contains biblically referenced information about underground chambers currently beneath the Earth.
- Speak to Me Lord, I’m Listening – this is a collection of the personal messages I received from God through numbers, and writing this book was unlike any other writing experience I’ve ever had.
Let my stories guide you down many divergent paths on your voyage and be amazed at how much you learn and grow! Thank you for stopping by, and I hope to see you again soon…
– L. Mason
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